Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I wasn't sure what to expect out of a trip back to Guatemala. I've said that before. How to explain what I saw in a new way, well I don't really think I can.
I saw things in Guatemala that I've seen before, things I've often played over in my mind day after day. It's the beggars, the people who appear to work so hard every day and yet have so little in my American perspective. I heard children who have been abandoned, hurt, or orphaned worshiping God in a language I can't understand with my mind but can join in with my heart and tears fill my eyes. The worship in different languages and cultures always gets me, because it's right there, I think the Spirit is just practically screaming the greatness and vastness of our Father. Our God who is not bound by culture or language or space, but His love so great and poured out for all people on this beautiful earth.
I was reminded over and over that happiness and the joy that comes from my Savior has nothing to do with what you hold in your hands but everything with the love and hope you have in your heart. But also that the smallest possession given by the compelling of love can bring the biggest smile I've ever seen.
I was reminded that adoption isn't just a nice thing to do, it's an act of God. There is no other way to explain how two little Guatemala babies are now safely sleeping in their home here in the States after being born into hunger and poverty. And seeing how much He's done to care for us here in this fleeting life proves to me how much greater He has provided for my eternal life with Him.
I was challenged to go deeper, to strive for more, that there is SO much more to be learned in my faith. I was reminded of how easily I can slip into complacency here in my "perfect" world away from deep material needs, but that great new adventures in this breath of a life await if I will take that first step.
I was reminded of what my Savior looks like, I saw Him in children's eyes, I heard His joy in their songs, I recognized His hope in their dreams and plans and talents. I saw His redemption and healing in a home where children find refuge and provision and love. And I saw His heart break as His creation walked streets begging for some bit of change, hungry people in need of a gospel that speaks more than just words and emotions.
I've seen it all before, I'm sure I meet my Savior every day. But it's so much easier to have our hearts open on those great and special one week trips out of the year. I'm pretty sure Jesus is who He is always, and I'm pretty sure if we were who we claimed to be we would see that a lot more clearly. It doesn't take Guatemala or Africa or a homeless shelter to see it, it's where ever you-are letting your heart open to a Love that can make your heart see and give much more than that selfish flesh ever could. So where ever our God takes us, Africa, Guatemala, China, the grocery store or across the hall, God is still God. Who are we?

Thursday, June 11, 2009


So the following is just some thoughts I'd scribbled in my notebook.


Here I am in Wake Forest, NC. About to leave for Guatemala on Friday. So excited, so expectant, and so sure God is and will be moving. As I've been out a bit here, sitting in a food court at the mall, meeting beautiful adoptive families, seeing a homeless man walking the sides of the road-all his possessions on his back-on the way from the airport. Checked out i-heart and read a story about a girl who was kidnapped and a sex slave. I am over whelmed by the way God is opening my heart and eyes.

People. It's never hit me in such a way before. People created in the image of God. Every person is a soul. Thinking about that, every face I meet is eternal, created-loved-known by God the Father, Christ died for each one. Oh how the Father loves each! I'm amazed at His Spirit in me, pushing me to reach out my redeemed life and love others with mine. This life is such a gift, such glimpse/moment/flash of what is to come. How I live affects every single persons eternity. Sounds lofty? No. My Creator made and formed each of us, lovingly, for this time.

This life. we make it seem so simple and singular to the self. We are all on this same earth. He has each of us here for a reason. We are "created to do good works," works predestined to bring glory-children,people- to God.

People. soul, eternity, creation, loved, beautiful, needy, spirit. People, there are many to be loved. But there is a Love greater than our numbers or population, and it's poured into us who know Salvation to be poured out again. It's never ending, forever flowing awesome Love.

Hope you got this, I know for me I've never been so over whelmed just by seeing another person. But if you stop to think about, each face you see is something really profound. You are looking into eternity, that person has a soul and a Creator who desperately wants to spend eternity with them. Love is for all people.

Love. People.

Monday, June 8, 2009

pride-part 50 million

I'm about to leave for Guatemala in few days, a mission trip to visit and work for some beautiful orphans. I'm so excited and keep thinking about last year when I went to China for a trip kind of like this. I've been thinking today about pride, I think the Spirit is trying to remind me to be aware of this, be surrendering this flesh in advance this time around. Last year was a painful wake up call that just because I might not have a mirror or camera in my face 24/7 doesn't mean I can't have a problem with pride and self.

It's so easy to get bound up in pride, to fall into it's grasp and live a life there. It's easy to be caught up in yourself, so frustratingly easy. I despise and crave pride at the same time, it sounds a bit weird but that's the human in me I suppose. The Spirit knows that this self is the last thing I need, but the 'old man' -woman in this case- constantly craves attention. The old desires thoughts of self, how does everything affect me, how do I feel, what do I want, it's a maddening and destructive cycle.

Even in surrendering pride, pride still can find a way to slide into your life. Making you think that it's all about you getting your focus off yourself, which is just a crazy circle that comes right back to where it's doesn't need to be. Often I try as David said to "take my life into my own hands," and so wash away my sin with my dirty hands, but self can not get rid of its very own self.

The thing is, I want to use this life to bear Love's heart out into this world I'm in, but I can't bear Love's heart if I'm too busy bearing out my selfishness on my life. When I'm focused on myself, that will bear out in my actions and life each day whether I realize it or like it. But when I gaze faithfully and passionately at Love above all else, it will inevitably show in my life.
